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Ep. 23: April Fool's Day, with Tripel 5, from New Glarus Brewing


Updated: Apr 27, 2023

April Fool's Day is being served today, with a side of Triple 5, from New Glarus Brewing. I'm so excited for this movie, and finally putting a beer from New Glarus on the podcast. Plan a trip to Wisconsin, because that's the only place it's sold. It's worth the trip.

Marketing hurt this film. It came out in the midst of the slasher 80s, and was marketed as such, but it is a real outlier in the genre. It doesn't have the over-the-top violence, gore and nudity of most slasher films. It's just a clever little movie.

Jayson, as he does, gives a history of April Fool's Day. Also, we introduce Spoiler Alerts, which is something we probably should have been doing from the get-go.

This is a multiple viewing movie, so you can catch everything for the twist ending.

Lots of familiar faces from the 80s in this one: Muffy, Kit, Chaz, Nikki, Rob, Arch, Skip, Nan, and Hal. Lots of 80s styles in this one, too.

The privileged group of friends, each filling out a type, are taking a ferry to a friend Muffy's mansion on an island. Because that's what they do. They think it's a weekend of partying, she has other ideas. Mystery murder weekend ideas.

I managed to connect the movie to the beer. Pat myself on the back for that.

The group is made up of 5 friends who know each other, and 3 new, unknown friends (see the connection I made?)

Muffy seems a little suspicious in her early behavior. She props open a basement window, remember that.

Suspension of disbelief is crucial to enjoying this movie.

Nikki, the 'hottie,' attracts the attention of Hal and Buck. A great use of cross cutting builds tension until the first prank is pulled. The prank goes horribly wrong (or does it?) Poor Buck is the collateral damage of this prank.

The weekend gets off to a less than stellar start. Spirits at the dock are down. Constable Potter tells all these rich kids to stay at Muffy's.

Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None is referenced. The gang has quickly forgotten the horror on the ferry.

Dinnertime, and Skip's missing. But no one seems to notice. Pranks are shared, the children of the ultra wealthy behave that way. Rob feels sorry for himself about his med school prospects, which will become a theme. He's a wet blanket.

Pranks are revealed in all the bedrooms. One involves heroin paraphernalia. Is that a funny prank?

Skip, victim #1, in the boathouse.

Morning #1, Muffy looks like a crazy person. Hmm. Skip's still not to be found. Kit sees Skip's lifeless body. Now they care where he is.

Triple 5, baby. Jayson wishes New Glarus delivered to the West Coast. I kind of like having it as a treat when I visit family. "I drink, and I have ideas."

The search for Skip is poorly executed. Arch is victim #2. Suspension of disbelief is important.

Nan's character earns our sympathy. She's victim #3, but you never really see it.

Water's out, head to the old well for water. More highly dangerous situations that are head scratching when we reach the end. Impossible coincidences. Nikki finds bodies in the well. Woah.

Put the house on lock down! The odd doings of Muffy are finally discussed.

Muffy has a twin? What? And her friends don't know this. Suspension of disbelief is key.

Victims #4 and #5, Chaz and Nikki. How did Muffy get all these people to buy into her fake murder weekend so quickly? Highly dubious.

Rob and Kit are the last two. Victim #6 is Hal. Rob and Kit run for the boat. A conveniently left behind envelope reveals Muffy has a crazy twin, escaped and heading here! Back to the house!

Remember the open basement window? That's how they get back in.

Separate the final two, Muffy versus Kit. This is it! It's all over!

Kit opens pocket doors and finds all the dead friends alive and well. April Fool's Day! Hahahahaha! Funny stuff, guys!

Buck frees Rob, who still thinks this is for real, and freaking out. He finds everyone in the front room. Funny stuff, guys!

Muffy reveals the deal. This whole weekend was a dry run for a potential murder mystery weekend B&B she wants to run at the mansion. Constable Potter, Buck and the Ferryman were all in on this. Dangerous and uncool.

Nan gets a small bit of revenge, and breaks the fourth wall.

The original ending was much darker, with Skip Killing Muffy. We're glad it was scrapped.

I'm an unapologetic fan of this film. I 100% recommend anything from New Glarus. Jayson hadn't watched it since the 80s, and revisiting it he highly recommends it, and the Triple 5 from New Glarus.

Intro music for this episode is a mix of (1) Turn on The Funk (Story Blocks Audio subscription), (2) sample 1961’s The Phantom Planet [in the public domain], and (3) sample 1968’s Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women [in the public domain]. Outro music Vintage Background Jazz Atmosphere by Volodymyr Piddubnyk (Story Blocks Audio subscription).



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